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- Holly Jackson

Hi! My name is Holly Jackson and I'm the Student Success Librarian for Commonwealth University. I'm located primarily at the Mansfield campus. 

I'm the Lead Liaison for English Composition, the Honors College, Music, Theatre, & Dance, and our Student Success areas, including First Year Programs and the Student Success Department. I'm also the Mansfield campus librarian for Anthropology, Sociology, & Criminal Justice, Athletics, Communications, Early Childhood Education & Exceptionality Programs, History, Political Science, & Philosophy, international students, K-12, Middle Level, Secondary Education +HPED, Languages & Cultures, and Media & Journalism.

I am available for in-person (North Hall Library, room 112) and virtual (Zoom) research appointments. If you don't see a time that works for you, please send me an email at

Holly Jackson is available at multiple locations.

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